sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013

Aceleração do soco no karate

 2013 Nov 22. [Epub ahead of print]

Predicting Punching Acceleration from Selected Strength and Power Variables in Elite Karate Athletes: A Multiple Regression Analysis.


1Pão de Açúcar Group - Nucleus of High Performance in Sport, São Paulo, SP, Brazil 2Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil 3Laboratory of Applied Nutrition and Metabolism, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil 4School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil 5Brazilian Karate Confederation, Brazil.


The present study investigated the relationship between punching acceleration and selected strength and power variables in nineteen professional karate athletes from the Brazilian National Team (9 men and 10 women; age: 23 ± 3 years; height: 1.71 ±0.09 m and body mass: 67.34 ± 13.44 kg). Punching acceleration was assessed under four different conditions in a randomized order: 1) fixed distance aiming to attain maximum speed (FS); 2) fixed distance aiming to attain maximum impact (FI); 3) self-selected distance aiming to attain maximum speed (SSS) and 4) self-selected distance aiming to attain maximum impact (SSI). The selected strength and power variables were as follows: maximal dynamic strength in bench press and squat-machine, squat and countermovement jump height, mean propulsive power in bench throw and jump squat, and mean propulsive velocity in jump squat with 40% of body mass. Upper and lower-body power and maximal dynamic strength variables were positively correlated to punch acceleration in all conditions. Multiple regression analysis also revealed predictive variables: relative mean propulsive power in squat jump (W/kg), and maximal dynamic strength (1RM) in both bench press and squat-machine exercises. An impact-oriented instruction and a self-selected distance to start the movement seem to be crucial to reach the highest acceleration during punching execution. This investigation, while demonstrating strong correlations between punching acceleration and strength-power variables, also provides important information for coaches, especially for designing better training strategies to improve punching speed.

Boneco articulado

sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013

Lateralidade no MMA

Lateralidade no MMA. Não deu diferença, mas como os autores tinham uma ideia fixa, concluíram o que queriam...Se é para fazer isso, nem roda a estatística...

 2013 Nov 19;8(11):e79793.

The Southpaw Advantage? - Lateral Preference in Mixed Martial Arts.


School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University, Toronto, Canada.


Performers with a left-orientation have a greater likelihood of obtaining elite levels of performance in many interactive sports. This study examined whether combat stance orientation was related to skill and success in Mixed Martial Arts fighters. Data were extracted for 1468 mixed martial artists from a reliable and valid online data source. Measures included fighting stance, win percentage and an ordinal measure of skill based on number of fights. The overall analysis revealed that the fraction of fighters using a southpaw stance was greater than the fraction of left-handers in the general population, but the relationship between stance and hand-preference is not well-understood. Furthermore, t-tests found no statistically significant relationship between laterality and winning percentage, although there was a significant difference between stances for number of fights. Southpaw fighters had a greater number of fights than those using an orthodox stance. These results contribute to an expanding database on the influence of laterality on sport performance and a relatively limited database on variables associated with success in mixed martial arts.

terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

Recebi o convite para fazer um curso de mestrado e/ou doutorado

Deem uma olhada na propaganda e nos erros de digitação. Ainda bem que o curso não é na área de Português, não é? Afinal, quem precisa escrever direito nos dias de hoje...

De quebra, segue o link de um vídeo sobre como as pessoas não prestam atenção no que os outros falam. Deixei de pensar que eu que não sou claro quando explico algo...

domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

Lutador tem que estudar

 2013 Nov 4. [Epub ahead of print]

The Protective Effect of Education on Cognition in Professional Fighters.


Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA.


Education has a protective effect against cognitive deficits following various forms of brain insult. Professional fighting (boxing and mixed martial arts) provides a model for assessing the impact of cumulative brain injuries on cognition and brain health. In the current cross-sectional observational study, we explore whether education would be protective against cognitive loss in fighters. We tested 141 professional fighters using a computerized neurocognitive battery, in addition to structural MRI. We used automated segmentation software to compute the volumes of various brain structures. We found fighters with high school education or less to show more associations between fight exposure and cognitive test scores. The relationship between brain structure volume and exposure did not differ based on education. These results are interpreted as putatively showing a protective effect of education on functional integrity in fighters, although longitudinal data and a larger sample size are required to further understand this relationship.

segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2013

256 de trabalhos russos sobre esportes de combate
Em uma fase em que tudo que é russo é melhor, ter livro em português citado por eles deve significar alguma coisa...

Eu sempre respeitei os mascotes : )

Bem perto do que eu sugeri para uma aluna...

2013, Vol. 13, No. 2, 270–279
A Winning Smile? Smile Intensity, Physical Dominance, and Fighter Performance
Michael W. Kraus
University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign
Teh-Way David Chen
University of California, Berkeley
The smile is perhaps the most widely studied facial expression of emotion, and in this article we examine its status as a sign of physical dominance. We reason, on the basis of prior research, that prior to a physical confrontation, smiles are a nonverbal sign of reduced hostility and aggression, and thereby unintentionally communicate reduced physical dominance. Two studies provide evidence in support of this prediction: Study 1 found that professional fighters who smiled more in a prefight photograph taken facing their opponent performed more poorly during the fight in relation to their less intensely smiling counterparts. In Study 2, untrained observers judged a fighter as less hostile and aggressive, and thereby less physically dominant when the fighters’ facial expression was manipulated to show a smiling expression in relation to the same fighter displaying a neutral expression. Discussion focused on the reasons why smiles are associated with decreased physical dominance.
Keywords: emotion, physical dominance, smiles, aggression